BODIES OF WORK > Theorem (2019-ongoing)

Theorem, no. 3
Theorem, no. 3
Research, language, text, 90 minutes, $20,000

Maya Stovall: Theorem, no. 3 (2023)
Theorem, no. 3 is a commission of the 2023 Counterpublic Triennial, curated by Allison Glenn, with contributions of associate curator Katherine Reynolds, community organizer and designer Melisa Sanders, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts fellow Micah Mickles, and executive director James McAnally.
Research, language, text, 90 minutes, $20,000
Performance still in which the artist discusses the 1947 St. Louis Comprehensive City Plan with the public.
Photo by Micah Mickles.
Courtesy the artist, Reyes | Finn Detroit, and Parrasch Heijnen Los Angeles.