BODIES OF WORK > Theorem (2019-ongoing)

Theorem, no. 1
Theorem, no. 1
Performance, research

Maya Stovall: Theorem, no. 1 (2019)
Theorem, no. 1 is a commission of Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture, organized by Frank Smigiel and made possible with the generous support of FMCAC and SFAI.
Ten hours, across Tenderloin & northern Marina Districts.
Performance with Seycon Nadia Chea, Mohamed Soumah & Bana Kabalan, electronic music production by Todd Stovall, with collaboration of Del Seymour, the Tenderloin Museum, and Counterpulse.
Performance still with Soumah, Chea, Kabalan, and the public.
Photo by Charlie Vilyard.
Courtesy the artist, Reyes | Finn Detroit, and Parrasch Heijnen Los Angeles.